System Updates

System Upgrades

We are in the final phase of our data migration project. It has been a long road as this project has been going on in the background for several years. We are excited to be so close to project completion, and even more excited about what the future holds for OC IT as we continue to partner with faculty and staff across the campus looking for ways to maximize both student opportunity and success.

All Colleague data will be moved over to the new system during Spring break. Because of this, all Colleague related services will be down from the evening of March 10th until the morning of March 19th. This includes registration and payment functions. Students, register as early as possible to avoid any inconvenience caused by this down time. Blackboard services will remain active during this time, although no new student enrollment data will be uploaded from Colleague to the Blackboard system. We will conduct a Blackboard upload on the evening of the 10th before Colleague is taken off-line.   

On behalf of Information Services and the entire Information Technology team, we would like to take a moment to offer a sincere thank you to every member of the OC community, for your patience as we have been working so hard to complete this project. Together we have accomplished so much; together we will accomplish so much more.

For questions or more information contact: